Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are you ready for this? Kitchen coming along!

Okay, I'm trying to be super positive, but truth be told, I'm sad that I sit at home writing about this while Justin "gets" to work. No, it isn't glamorous work, but I wanted to do this together, not have other people going over there to take my place (thanks other people! You are loved regardless). It would take way longer with a girl at this point, especially with a girl who knows nothing about drywalling, but still. I also feel a bit like a prisoner in my home. I had some a hankering for chips tonight but no chips would be available without leaving the baby sleeping and walking a block. Yeah, I seriously considered. Even "phoned a friend". Who told me to go. Which meant I had to stay (that friend is always like "girl! I would go to the club once he was in bed! GO!" Well, she's not like that, but you know.).
So I sit and eat and get fat and Justin works, doesn't sleep and feels a strong sense of satisfaction. Good for him.
Here are the long awaited results (I mean in the sense that you don't care about me, you want to see before-and-after porn, I know, I'm like you).

Well, you can't see the floors because they're covered in plastic, which, by the way, are doing dick-all to protect them in any way. We suck. And I'm going to bed. My captor, Mr. Baby, has been teething and waking screaming at 5:30am and wants that to be morning time, and so it is. And so I'm losing patience. No sleep equals depressed renovator (or mom, or workerbee, etc).

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