Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Before and After - Kitchen

I'll be honest. The only reason I'm finally posting an after shot of the kitchen is due to our affinity for renos. We are planning an addition on the kitchen. Sorry, it had to happen. The cave basement bathroom  toilet and sink are totally inaccessible. When we bought the house, we had visions of fixing up the basement, but we didn't think it through too well. We'll never fix the stairs going downstairs as they are under the 2nd floor stairs. So hello to head injuries.

So onwards with a main floor bath which is better anyways because the aging population over 50 and 60 isn't going anywhere soon. And neither are their bad hips, knees, backs, nor is my kid going to be a genius at potty-training. picture me trying to go through a baby gate and up 16 stairs with a kid who says "I can't hold it mommy!" So there you have it. Addition onwards.

Here's some shots.


1 comment:

Here's where you give me insight and feedback. I dare you....!