Sunday, June 10, 2012

A new headboard from "the DIY files"

Found this fab blog called the DIY files written by Gemma and she had photos of a new headboard they, of course, DIYed.

 Doesn't this look fabulous? I want to do this!!! Here is our current bed.
Isn't it more than boring? And this photo is meant to SELL it! It meaning the condo.

So the Ikea bed hasn't stood the test of time. Not only is it college-era stuff, which is normally fine, but seeing every single tenant in our own building moving this same bed in and out over the years started to depress us. But more importantly, when we roll, or sit on the bed, it collapses underneath. The slats aren't long enough (YES, J bought the right sized slats, but they're obviously defunct).
So we need a new bed. I'm in love with the cast-iron look ala Anthro or Pottery Barn/Restoration Hardware:
I love white ones like above. But I also love having a headboard, grr...I can't seem to decide whether I love the romantic french style or the clean, crisp, bold style (called...???) more.

My mom especially hates the duvet cover. She thinks it looks faded. I think that was the point. She was there when it was purchased years ago (in fact, she probably did the purchasing since I'm pathetic) so she has dibs on the negative comments in this case.

I fantasize about this type of duvet from Anthro, but when I took J there to look, he was confused. Some of the bedding is really just quilts, and thin quilts. Especially the really colourful, and on-sale bedding. So I moped and pouted around the store for awhile until I realized he was right. But I can still fantasize.

This one was on sale in purple. But it happens to be the one that J poo-pooed.

Or this one, not on sale, also thin:

If only I could live somewhere that had warm summers, this quilt-y bed covering would be mine, all mine!


  1. cute!! we totally need a bedroom makeover - its funny that its always the room that gets overlooked and left behind, but i really feel like now more than ever with little ones consuming most of our days we need that little sanctuary of our own. im excited to see what you come up with!

    we actually have that white iron bed in the picture above - its from ikea and was pretty cheap (for a bed that is...) we really like it if that helps at all. :)

  2. I thought the baby would always sleep in our room forever, but after the first 6 weeks, especially when I got a cold, I got really sick of having to sleep in another room if I was sniffling in the night, or having to sneak into bed, use flashlights (literally!) to find pajamas. It just wasn't for me! I guess I should have known because even as a baby in my belly I wanted to evict him many times at 3 in the morning;) Glad to know you like that one, thanks for sharing:)


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