Sunday, June 10, 2012


I got a call from the current tenant at the house this last week. He let me know that the old tenant (as in, YEARS ago tenant) had come by to take back her (broken) washer and dryer from the basement. I think the owner of the house conned her into it, knowing that 1. this woman, like herself, is slightly insane, and 2. she did want the stuff back 2 years ago, so maybe she would come. Apparently it worked. However, they managed to break the plumbing and left a nice lake for the current tenant, thus the call to me. In actuality, the tenant really called hoping I could help him out with his move, by letting him store his stuff a couple days into July. But after seeing the pigsty that is their house last time I was there, there is no longer any way I could do this and still legally say the house was in the a liveable condition.
SO! Long story short, the w/d is gone, which is fine. There may be water damage, so we'll need to see the house pre-possession. And, he let me know that the same tenant returned, dug up a bunch of perennials AND took down and loaded up "her" play structure in the backyard. Which was in our contract. Yeah. Now we have a firepit, which was hidden by the structure. This is all so crazy right?
Here is the new backyard, taken by me as "evidence" that the structure was taken by this old tenant.

And here is a cute inspiration photo from Houzz to give this negative post a happy dream ending.

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