Monday, May 7, 2012

Creating Priorities in a New House

We just bought a house between a sausage cafe (both in what they serve and who goes there) and a zoo (this one is literally a zoo, no figurative speech). It's a decent street, and one of the oldest houses in town at circa 1900.
I feel bad for our little big house. She is hidden behind 3 big spruce trees in the front. She has a mere one window in the back, which is the south side. Without insulation, I feel this poor little house has been waiting for me for a long time, cold all winter and hidden all summer. Meanwhile, I have discovered that the new neighbour, living in his fortress of an infill, is my coworker. But doesn't like the little big house. I think this motivates me further to make this bland house a dream home. I do well under pressure.
Here she is.
This is the backyard (duh). Said neighbour, aka The Grinch, has told me how much he detests the apple tree (an apple tree!!!) to the right here. I have seen where he has so lovingly chopped off the branches daring to touch his fortress.
We get possession July 3rd, and I'm stoked. I will be 31 and one month that day. I take this as a good sign. Without a damn reason why.

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