Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ripping off a Country Kitchen Essence

Moving into an old home should come with a certain amount of moral responsiblity in my opinion. The responsibility should be to preserve some of the essence of that home's spirit when customizing it to be your own. I can't come up with a snigle reason why I feel this way, considering I was raised helping my parents move from house to house, building all new, adding on to an old house, and generally poo-pooing things of old due to their poor "R-values".
Either way, I love this kitchen, which others have posted as being the only good kitchen to have if you happen to inherit this moral responsibility with your circa 1900 house.

I love the hardwood floors in the kitchen, even though my new floors will look like this (exact depiction):
We are going to have to test for asbestos and the estimate I got from a removal expert was "worst case scenario is $9000 for a typical 150 sq ft kitchen with the maximum asbestos of 43% in your vinyl". EEK! So we might be doing the 70s vinyl style for a while.

I also love that they have changed the flooring around the cool old stove (background of above photo). And the white subway tile as the backsplash really works to keep the wood as the focal point. I have no idea where you get a white crazy hood fan, or the stove for that matter, but still, it's lovely.

I also love these sinks, but they can be so over-powering in a space, especially without the high-end faucets seen here (above) for contrast. And when we  paint our cupboards (below) white, they won't look anything like these pretty cupboards, so this is truly just inspiration at this point.

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