Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Down with Trees Part Deux

Not having possession to LBH (Little Big House) yet, I am only going off what I have from photos of the house. And most of these photos came to me from the Home Inspection, a four hour drawn-out affair. Four. Hours. It wasn't that long due to defficiencies in our place. It was that long because we hired an eccentric, awesome home inpection. Merv does some of the preliminary inpection duties, but while you are bored and waiting, he gets the couple to do a quiz which they always fail. The quiz is to label each emergency valve. But this isn't an idle activity. Merv will come up with a scenario, such as the following:
"Okay Jackie. Your neighbours got you to look after their home while they're away for three weeks. Why the wife Justin? Because they will always get the wife to do it. Why? Because the husbands never bring in the papers or water their plants. Got it?"
Justin and Jackie nod.
"Okay. So Jackie, you're in their basement, which we will pretend is exactly the same as this one. You walk in and suddenly you smell gas. Lots of gas. LOTS of gas. Come on Jackie, what are you going to do!?"
"I run! I run out and hide in my own house?"
"Come on Jackie, the house is about to explode, what do you do!?"
"I curse the day I swore off cell phones, run down the road screaming 'Call 9-1-1'!"
"Errr! Wrong! Find the gas shut off! Find it! Find it!"
And so on. He does this for each thing, like telling me there is scalding hot water pouring out everywhere, that he is melting, etc. And then we label the valves and he leaves the labels on for us down the road.
That probably shouldn't take 4 hours, but Merv happens to love antiques and old homes, so he also regaled long stories about renovations, old homeowners, and even invited us out to an estate sale. He was, in a word, thorough. Do I remember all the crap we need to fix? No. But I took sketchy notes.
Back to the photos. So, I don't have good photos of our new home. But I did find a more recent photo of the front, which I'm guessing was taken 10 years after the one I last posted. Here they are.
Above is the one I posted originally. And below is a more accurate depiction of the forest that is our new front yard.
So if you had any previous doubts about "Down with the trees", I hope they are no more.

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